Friday, August 31, 2007


九月的第一天 - - - 九月一日(星期六)﹐現在是凌晨十二點十五分﹐我根本無法入睡。也許﹐我前世是個旺盛的飛機場﹐昨天--今天﹐很多優秀的“飛機師”總愛 “放飛機”在我這兒。我介意的不是她們“放”的次數﹐而是當真的很需要訴苦的那一晚﹐多麼渴望她們能夠遵守唯一的一個承諾, 可是她們一次又一次狠狠地讓我“心灰”。有時﹐一句“對不起”並不能抹殺曾經的傷痕。現在﹐正在聽姜育恆的一首老歌 < 愛我 >﹐歌詞的第一句﹕"為什麼要傷悲﹐為什麼要流淚... ..."。淚流干後﹐腦海會更清醒﹐也容易胡思亂想。有個人曾經說過﹕想太多的人比較會分析事與物。最近想得太多太多太多﹐也有很理智去分析問題的多個時候﹐分析出來的解決方式並不是每個人都能依計行事﹐雖然答案已經赤裸裸的印在心中﹐可是人總是有逃避現實的時候﹐我想我可以讓自己任性再多那麼的一個星期吧﹗


機會沒有 take 2 - - - 錯過了﹐心中有千萬的遺憾也不能有第二次﹗我在想﹕那天﹐我是不是錯過了唯一的一次機會呢﹖也許這叫做“無緣”﹐也或是正在“逃避”﹗2008 年國慶日前夕﹐國慶日當日﹐國慶日之後﹐曾經出現過不一樣的天空﹔那﹐已成過去﹖明天的路﹐我現在已經很努力地在鋪了﹐會趕上那一列火車嗎﹖加油吧﹗

Saturday, August 25, 2007


On 23 August 2007 (Thursday) at 4.59 p.m., I had received a phone message from my manager. At that time, I was attending a powerpoint training and the class to be ended soon. When I was reading the message, I had extremely get shocked. I was deeply saddened to hear the news about the death of his beloved father. At that moment, I felt helpless and had absent-minded from the lecture. I wish to send my deepmost sympathy to my manager and his family:

This is to express my grief at the sad demise of your beloved late father. In my mind, your father had did an excellent job although I had never met him before. May the bright memories of his great deeds give peace and consolation to the family and friends. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. we are here to join you to mourn his demise, and convey our hearty condolences.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


看了“康道塞”的一篇名为“享受你的生活,不要与别人比较”的文章后,觉得现在很多人总喜欢在人与人之间作比较。老板比较他的员工工作能力与态度; 老师比较学生们的学习能力与品行;父母比较自己与他人孩子的成绩;我们自己却拿自己与别人比较数不清的事物。“人比人,比死人”,不知从哪里听来的一句话。



Thursday, August 9, 2007


這篇 BLOG 是在家寫的。現在的心情很亂﹗我手上拿着一個計時炸彈﹐像個笨蛋般還在傻笑﹗人的回憶也像個計時炸彈﹐不管快樂還是悲傷的﹐一旦回想起﹐自然就會引爆。九月﹐我討厭這個月﹐真希望時間能夠停留在此刻﹗可惜﹐它即將來臨﹐它來得太快了﹗ 今晚﹐剛剛和個“醉酒”的舊同事聊了一會兒﹐願他能平安回到家﹗十二點零二分了﹐已經是星期五了﹗又過了一天﹗

Friday, August 3, 2007

Beware of Car Park Coupon paid by Coin

The text below are extracted from one of the email received on 03th August 2007 from friend. Just think it is not bad to know such an incident that may happen to self anytime...who know it will?

I would like to share with your readers about an incident today when I pay for my parking fee in Klang. After I have parked my car, I walked to the self-service car park machine to pay for an hour's parking fee (50 sen in Klang, 60 sen in Petaling Jaya and 40 sen in Shah Alam for an hour). Everything seemed to be fine. The machine printed out a parking coupon and after displaying the coupon at the vehicle's dashboard, I went to perform my errands nearby. When I was walking back towards my car, I saw a uniformed officer from the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) looking around at my car. He then acted as if he is going to issue a summon to my car. I ran towards him and asked him if everything is OK. I told him that I have paid for my parking and he can see the coupon clearly on the dashboard.

To my shock, the MPK officer said that he planned to issue a summon to me because the 50 sen a fake coin. The officer mentioned that if a person used a fake coin to pay for the parking fee, it means that no parking fee has been paid. The MPK officer also showed to me how to read the parking coupon and spot if the coins used are fake or not (see the attached graphics - "TOKEN" means that the coins used are fake).

Luckily, the officer understood my situation and decided not to issue any summon to me. Having said that, I would like to share this experience and knowledge with your readers so that the unsuspected citizens can give special attention when paying for their parking fee at the self-service machines to avoid being innocently penalised.

Sources: unknkown

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Coursework is BACK

Too Sad!! Coursework time is back!! That is really struggling to complete the coursework. Nowadays, I'm getting lazy to do it, there are too much temptation outside the "textbook"! People always said:"outside world is wonderful!" I need something to motivate me to move on! I'm seem "lost" now! I can't see my 'road path' just not too far away. My eyesight seem blocked and it is too bad for me to go-ahead.

I'm tired and should be stop here. These few weeks may busy for coursework!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


昨天,得知有个同事要辞职,觉得可惜!唉!我们的 project team 又少一个人了!我的 manager 又少一个得力助手了!不知为何,每当我在公司处理私人事务时,总是被发现,还被当成笑话!!很想說﹕“雖然我常常寫BLOG﹐可是我有專心工作和唸書的啦... ..."
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