在friendster某处看见一些文章,觉得很有意思,便转贴在倪思部落格... ...
题目: 鞋子
倪思:可是,有些人总爱停顿在原地向后眺望,没有遗忘过去的点点滴滴--不管它曾经让你快乐或悲伤... ... 而又有些人总爱边走边向后看,结果呢...很容易跌跤呀!也许跌过,才懂得前进吧!加油加油加油再加油!
sources: unknown
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
二零零七年十月二十七日(星期六)中午一点十四分,坐在电脑银幕前“等待”,等待两个“死党”的来临, 她们即将为我预早庆祝生日。顿时,心想:她们的安排会是如何呢?想着...想着...汽车笛声在门外响起,她们到达我家门前了... ... 我马上sign out blogger; 跳上车里,启程到我不知的目的地... ...。车驶到了one utama, 我们到了TGI Friday 吃了一顿大餐...我们都吃得津津有味呢! 最后, TGI 的员工还递上一块“生日蛋糕”,可惜呀,我们只吃了三分之二,因为我们的肚子已经被刚刚的美食填得满满的。最后,拍了几张照片留念 (图下是回家后做了些 edition的作品: 零七年二十七日的回忆)。让我惊喜的是, 我收到她们的那份礼物一个粉灰色manchester united的背包 ... ... 很想说:谢谢你们,我真的很喜欢它!

Get your own glitter and more at BlingyBlob.com

Get your own glitter and more at BlingyBlob.com
Thursday, October 25, 2007
新闻 - 林梧桐 - AirAsia
晚上,看完Astro华丽台播放的<法证先锋>后, 到The Star Website 想找找逝世的林梧桐先生相关的新闻. 他於23日上午11點20分在梳邦再也醫藥中心逝世,享年90歲; 而出殡仪式是在二十九日(星期一)进行。 林梧桐知交,IGB集團永久顧問拿督陳振南週三在梧桐別墅瞻仰林梧桐遺容,向記者談及賭王生前點滴。他說,林梧桐一生擁有四老,即老伴、老友、老本及老友,所以走得沒有任何遺憾。接下来,看到 Mr.Pillay(OM Lecturer)刚刚上课时所提及的新闻,标题是 “AirAsia gets the nod for flights to Singapore”/“內閣批准亞航直飛新加坡” ;哈哈,对“穷人” (like me) 而言,会是个好消息啰;MAS 都是给 rich man 乘坐的!
sources: (access date:25.10.07)
1. www.thestar.com.my
2. www.chinapress.com.my
sources: (access date:25.10.07)
1. www.thestar.com.my
2. www.chinapress.com.my
Monday, October 22, 2007
固执 = 迟到
在某处看见这么的一句话,“~ ~ 回忆不要太美好 回忆,越是美好,越是沉痛 ~ ~”!这只是个搞搞气氛的“开白场”;回归正体,哎呀,明天,不敢想象会多么忙碌,工作犹如堆积如山!有强烈的预感:明天上课会迟到吧(唉,我总是那么地固执,一定要做完才甘心去上课)!总之,上班的朋友们,加油啰!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
星期一凌晨 00:46 - 回想发生的事:-上个星期一是忙碌的一天,星期二就是 Coursework Submission Date 啦,这个 Raya Holiday 哪里都没去,唯独在家里做功课了!那时就像“与世隔绝”,感觉超“恐怖”的啦!唉,星期五还得交上另一份coursework。还好之前已经完成了80%,只需稍微修改修改便可以呈交了!星期五放学后的心情,犹如刚被释放出狱的囚犯,重获自由的感觉,妙极了!曾经,有些人告诉我是个perfectionist; 我想想:“是吗?有吗?” 也许是吧!有时,一些别人不足以为然的小小瑕疵,我却认为那是必要去认真修改至无误。可是,在一次公司的 appraisal interview 时,老板解释说道一个完美主义者往往会花费太多的时间去完成四分之一的事而忽略了其他四分之三的事。我想一想,这就是一个完美主义者的“致命伤”吧;别人用一天完成一件事,我却用了两天,为什么?只因为想将最好的呈现出来,也有些时候会因太执著某些事而忽略了其他重要的部分。很傻吧!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Office Boy: "I Don't Have an Email"!!
A jobless man applied for the position of "office boy" at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. "You are employed" he said. "Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start". The man replied "But I don't have a computer, neither an email."I'm sorry", said the HR manager, "If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job." The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate. He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than twohours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with $60. The man realised that he can survive by this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled everyday. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles. 5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US . He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance. He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. When the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him his email. The man replied, "I don't have an email." The broker answered curiously, "You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an email?!!" The man thought for a while and replied, " Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!"
Moral of the story :
M1- Internet/email is not the solution to your life.
M2- If you don't have internet/email , and work hard,you can be a millionaire.
M3- If you received this message by email, you are probably already an office boy/girl, and not any close to being a Billionaire. ..
Moral of the story :
M1- Internet/email is not the solution to your life.
M2- If you don't have internet/email , and work hard,you can be a millionaire.
M3- If you received this message by email, you are probably already an office boy/girl, and not any close to being a Billionaire. ..
Source: unknown source
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
午间 ~ 五件心情日记
1. 当你工作忙碌时,当上司坐在房内时,都是好事,警记珍惜!
2. 生病的同学,献上无敌的 “抵抗力丸”,赶快复原!
3. 隔着一堵墙:墙内,人气微薄,寂静一片;墙外,人气旺盛,争吵纷纷。
4. 迟到好过没到,昨晚,又迟到了,今天,不能再迟了。
5. 换了新‘包包’,珍珠白的包包,比以前的大很多,它来自香港,是一份早来的礼物, 谢谢啦!
2. 生病的同学,献上无敌的 “抵抗力丸”,赶快复原!
3. 隔着一堵墙:墙内,人气微薄,寂静一片;墙外,人气旺盛,争吵纷纷。
4. 迟到好过没到,昨晚,又迟到了,今天,不能再迟了。
5. 换了新‘包包’,珍珠白的包包,比以前的大很多,它来自香港,是一份早来的礼物, 谢谢啦!

一股突袭的“感觉”,想说说有关“为何当前很多公司渐渐block掉某些的网页(例:friendster, youtube, msn, baidu, etc...)?” 当越来越多公司效仿此举,是否意味着员工们的“自制能力”愈来愈低落?站在公司立场,这举动无疑是对公司百益而无一害。这是员工与公司之间的契约,一个身任公职的员工,就得在办公时间办公,而不是处理私人事务或寻求自我的娱乐。今天,科技的迅速发展已将这些附有娱乐/私人的事务搬上互联网,像: 网路购物啦,网路缴费啦,网路游戏啦,网路影片啦,网路音乐啦,网路电台啦,网路交友啦, 网路部落格啦等等... ...。网路的世界是那么地广大诱人,那些定力不足的员工,又如何能抵制此‘花花世界’?! 但是,站在员工立场,你会有怎样的想法?每个人都有各自的 perception/values,而每个人的 work attitude 都是见人各异。有人赞同公司立场;而有些则认为公司未免太过于无人情味了!... ... 哦,有个“某人”,常常在办公时很“善用与平衡”时间,绝对是工作完毕寻娱乐,娱乐完毕寻工作;偏偏读书时... 最不乖!哈哈!
Google Get Bulk of World Search
"Google get bulk of world search", A live example is showing here - - mE..., who always search information from google's search engine. It is really pOwErFul, fast-response and useful internet tool especially for student doing coursework/research work (note: no copycat info, just use it as reference or sometimes to get some idea out of something...). However, as agreed with my B.M.T Lecturer, thousand of journals and articles can pop out just play a simple mouse click with the engine search; the question is: Is that piece of hard work come from orginator? How about the language used? When we found some good point to grab, always a problem: no reference showed at the page? How truth the publisher of the page is so call originator?
See News from the star online dated 10-10-07
Source: http://star-techcentral.com/tech/story.asp?file=/2007/10/10/technology/20071010084426&sec=technology
NEW YORK: Around the world, Internet users are conducting about 1.4 million searches every minute - most of them through Google Inc, a new comScore study estimates. Yet Baidu.com Inc is strong enough in China and NHN Corp in South Korea to crack the global top five in comScore Inc's inaugural report on worldwide search patterns. The report, based on August traffic patterns, was scheduled for release Wednesday. In the past, comScore reported search numbers for only a handful of countries. The numbers from comScore and rival Nielsen/ NetRatings are closely watched by industry analysts, even as the measuring firms use online recruitment techniques dismissed by many traditional pollsters. According to comScore's qSearch 2.0 service, more than 37 billion searches worldwide went through Google in August. That's about 60% of all searches, higher than Google's 50% in the United States. Yahoo Inc was second worldwide with 8.5 billion, followed by Baidu at 3.3 billion, Microsoft Corp at 2.2 billion and NHN at 2 billion. In China, one of the few countries where Google isn't dominant, Baidu shows how one regional player "can break into the top five globally by their complete control of a very, very large market," said Bob Ivins, comScore's executive vice-president. Baidu's numbers would likely keep increasing, he said, with China's online population. ComScore estimates that about 750 million people worldwide used Internet search in August, each person averaging about 80 searches. Europe and Latin America tend to have more searches conducted per person. Ivins said Internet penetration in those markets grew as search technology was already developed, unlike in the United States where human-powered directories were initially strong. - AP
See News from the star online dated 10-10-07
Source: http://star-techcentral.com/tech/story.asp?file=/2007/10/10/technology/20071010084426&sec=technology
NEW YORK: Around the world, Internet users are conducting about 1.4 million searches every minute - most of them through Google Inc, a new comScore study estimates. Yet Baidu.com Inc is strong enough in China and NHN Corp in South Korea to crack the global top five in comScore Inc's inaugural report on worldwide search patterns. The report, based on August traffic patterns, was scheduled for release Wednesday. In the past, comScore reported search numbers for only a handful of countries. The numbers from comScore and rival Nielsen/ NetRatings are closely watched by industry analysts, even as the measuring firms use online recruitment techniques dismissed by many traditional pollsters. According to comScore's qSearch 2.0 service, more than 37 billion searches worldwide went through Google in August. That's about 60% of all searches, higher than Google's 50% in the United States. Yahoo Inc was second worldwide with 8.5 billion, followed by Baidu at 3.3 billion, Microsoft Corp at 2.2 billion and NHN at 2 billion. In China, one of the few countries where Google isn't dominant, Baidu shows how one regional player "can break into the top five globally by their complete control of a very, very large market," said Bob Ivins, comScore's executive vice-president. Baidu's numbers would likely keep increasing, he said, with China's online population. ComScore estimates that about 750 million people worldwide used Internet search in August, each person averaging about 80 searches. Europe and Latin America tend to have more searches conducted per person. Ivins said Internet penetration in those markets grew as search technology was already developed, unlike in the United States where human-powered directories were initially strong. - AP
湿毛巾 vs 干毛巾
用,导致很多人面临火灾时,因一时之间找不到水,无法将毛巾弄湿,就放弃了利用毛巾蒙住口鼻的逃生技巧。事实上,火场中的浓烟,除了有毒的气体如一氧化碳,还有一些高温的碳粒子,都是无色剧毒性的气体。浓烟理论上应该是透明的,而今天烟之所以会是黑色的,都是这些碳粒子所造成。而这些高温的碳粒子,亦是火场中的杀手之一,当碳粒子地温度高达 150°C时,人若入这些碳粒子会使肺部泡被烧破,造成无法呼吸,因而丧命。所以今天如发生火警时,利用毛巾蒙住口鼻协助逃生的要领,最主要是防止高温的碳粒子入进肺部,湿毛巾既然能将碳粒子阻隔,干毛巾也有同样的功能,只是湿毛巾多了一个降温及更佳之吸附碳粒子地效果。因此,大家万一遭遇火警时,在分秒必争的火场逃生中,不要忘了自己随身穿的衣物,就是最好的防护器具。
Source: 转贴自:(消防教室) 文/林金宏

Source: 转贴自:(消防教室) 文/林金宏
vOiCe fRoM bAbAy ... ...
What a pity voice from such little baby girl!
Month 1
Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month 2
Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Month 3
You know what Mommy, I'm a girl!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you
even though you can't hear me.
Month 4
Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time ercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month 5
You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?& amp; amp; amp; amp; lt;BR
Month 6
I can hear that doctor again. I don'tlike him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me... ...!!
Month 7
Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus's arms. he is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me, Mommy? Every Abortion Is Just . . .One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak.
Source: unknown (received from friendster's friend dated 08-10-07)
Month 1
Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month 2
Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Month 3
You know what Mommy, I'm a girl!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you
even though you can't hear me.
Month 4
Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time ercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month 5
You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?& amp; amp; amp; amp; lt;BR
Month 6
I can hear that doctor again. I don'tlike him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me... ...!!
Month 7
Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus's arms. he is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me, Mommy? Every Abortion Is Just . . .One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak.
Source: unknown (received from friendster's friend dated 08-10-07)
Monday, October 8, 2007

~ “我还是很想听那首歌”,给了解倪思的张姓氏 ~
~ “祝一路顺风”+“保重身体”,给今夜飞往韩国的 o.t.k ~
~ “你把珍贵的四个小时败掉了”,给可倪思!~
Friday, October 5, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
“保重身体” -- 给予一个超級好好先生。
“儘快痊癒” -- 給予一個腳部受傷的人。
“恭喜恭喜” -- 给予一个幸福的新媽媽。
“真對不起” -- 給予一個等待她人的人。
“生日快乐” -- 给予一个等待他人的人。
“實現承諾” -- 給予一個常放飛機的人。
[ 明天會更好] -- 給予追憶昨日的人。
“儘快痊癒” -- 給予一個腳部受傷的人。
“恭喜恭喜” -- 给予一个幸福的新媽媽。
“真對不起” -- 給予一個等待她人的人。
“生日快乐” -- 给予一个等待他人的人。
“實現承諾” -- 給予一個常放飛機的人。
[ 明天會更好] -- 給予追憶昨日的人。
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
别人的另一半,像 [艺术品];
自己的另一半,像 [日用品]。
爱情的开始,是希望给 [对方] 一个未来;
爱情的结束,是希望给 [自己] 一个未来。
谈恋爱,最好是 [有心人];
谈结婚,最好是 [有钱人]。
富人结婚,最爱 [门当户对];
穷人结婚,最怕 [门当户对]。
女人婚后,希望有 [安定] 的 生活;
男人婚后,希望有 [安静] 的生活。
婚前,男人经常找女人 [讨论];
婚后,男人只告诉女人 [结论]
自己的另一半,像 [日用品]。
爱情的开始,是希望给 [对方] 一个未来;
爱情的结束,是希望给 [自己] 一个未来。
谈恋爱,最好是 [有心人];
谈结婚,最好是 [有钱人]。
富人结婚,最爱 [门当户对];
穷人结婚,最怕 [门当户对]。
女人婚后,希望有 [安定] 的 生活;
男人婚后,希望有 [安静] 的生活。
婚前,男人经常找女人 [讨论];
婚后,男人只告诉女人 [结论]
Monday, October 1, 2007
禅语 (你必须控制现在)
人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西. 如果你不给自己烦恼,别人也永远不可能给你烦恼。因为你自己的内心,你放不下。你一定要放下,才能得到真正的快乐。当你快乐时,你要想,这快乐不是永恒的。当你痛苦时你要想这痛苦也不是永恒的. 今日的执著,会造成明日的后悔。你什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。每一种创伤,都是一种成熟. 同样的瓶子,你为什么要装毒药呢?同样的心理,你为什么要充满着烦恼呢?得不到的东西,我们会一直以为他是美好的,那是因为你对他了解太少,没有时间与他相处在一起。当有一天,你深入了解后,你会发现原不是你想像中的那么美好。时间总会过去的,让时间流走烦恼吧!
Source: http://info.china.alibaba.com/news/detail/v5003013-d5648196.html
人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西. 如果你不给自己烦恼,别人也永远不可能给你烦恼。因为你自己的内心,你放不下。你一定要放下,才能得到真正的快乐。当你快乐时,你要想,这快乐不是永恒的。当你痛苦时你要想这痛苦也不是永恒的. 今日的执著,会造成明日的后悔。你什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。每一种创伤,都是一种成熟. 同样的瓶子,你为什么要装毒药呢?同样的心理,你为什么要充满着烦恼呢?得不到的东西,我们会一直以为他是美好的,那是因为你对他了解太少,没有时间与他相处在一起。当有一天,你深入了解后,你会发现原不是你想像中的那么美好。时间总会过去的,让时间流走烦恼吧!
Source: http://info.china.alibaba.com/news/detail/v5003013-d5648196.html
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