Monday, October 8, 2007


征聘繁忙的城市人,这里有一个空缺。这里有个夜以继日为“工作“忙,为“娱乐”忙,为“部落格”忙, 为“功课”忙的倪思!这一刻,请你重重敲打我一下,因为,我正在 “ULAR”( ular 是马来语,意:蛇 = 偷懒 )! 这个时候本应为“coursework”奋斗;however, finally... 却换来这篇 “心情日记”的诞生!外面下着绵绵不断的雨,随着冷雨微微吹来的晚风,不禁让某个笨笨的女孩回头眷念那些曾伴她同行的记忆细胞!这些活跃的细胞送走了快乐,带来了无奈!今天很忙碌,踏入办公室开始至踏出办公大楼,无法抽出片刻休息的时间!突然间,想起一位常客,别犹豫,对!就是你 - - 烈女张姓氏!记得载我“兜圈子”的那一晚吗?(油价比不起我们的友谊!),感谢你伴我走过那“兜不完”的路程!
~ “我还是很想听那首歌”,给了解倪思的张姓氏 ~
~ “祝一路顺风”+“保重身体”,给今夜飞往韩国的 o.t.k ~

~ “你把珍贵的四个小时败掉了”,给可倪思!~


Anonymous said...

hey gal..juz drop by n leave u a short short comment as a bit bz for these few days....n of course..juz hv a try coz still hv no idea tht able to post u a comment or u such a 'genius' in sort of things tht related to COMPUTER,rite?ha ha...hope to read more n more of ur new blogs while im online next time...dont stop n keep it up ok?(for ur study n also--- BLOGGING....)SIgh...

kenix said...

Thanksss....muaks...muaks!! Anyway, nobody is 'genius' from starting...I know you are smart...who knows one day, is my turn to consult you about the IT issue....heehee...If you think you can, you can did it... a BELIEF should stay with you!!

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