明天就是馬來同胞齋戒日的第一天 (hari puasa)﹐很多食品店/檔生意會比較淡吧﹐所以即將會有很多“promotion” (吸引更多顧客吧!)
中午到公司附近的 aunty sam 吃午餐﹐與“同事”慶祝“牛一”啦﹗很豐富的一餐﹐有面啦﹐炒keow tiao啦﹐炒飯啦﹐curry fish head, otak-otak, rojak, robak, lemon 雞丁, 四大天王﹐榴蓮排骨等等。用膳完畢感覺像“三天”不用吃東西了。今天搭 ktm 回家時﹐有點暈+無力的感覺﹐就像“三年”沒吃東西 - 很餓﹐大概是因為“血液供應不足”吧﹗
Internatinoal business
晚上 international bussiness 的課﹐這個subject 超級悶 (lecturer 第一天上課已經說明這是很dry 的subject)。我覺得看個人吧﹐lecturer 自身兒覺得這是很 interesting 的subject, 它與我們四週發生的時事相連﹐所以﹐她常常講stories/news/article 給我們聽(因為我們是一班多數只會看娛樂/體育版的學生﹗)不知為何﹐今天特別專心﹐今天的 topic 是“mode of entry” (來拋拋書包吧﹗)
A) Exporting - Sale of products in one country to residents of another country.
B) Turnkey project - A project in which a firm agrees to set up an operating plant for a foreign client and handover the 'key' when the plant is fully operational.
C) Franchising - A specialized form of licensing in which the franchiser sells intangible
property to the franchisee and insists on rules to conduct the business.
D) Joint Ventures - A cooperative undertaking between two or more firms.
E) Wholly Ownd Subsidiaries - subsidiary in which the firm owns 100% of the stock.
還有 F)Strategy Alliance G)Contract Manufacturing; H)Management Contract 等等..
(source: Charles W.LH, 2006. global business today. 4th edition. United States. McGraw-Hill)
1 comment:
international business...其实很有趣,我西北喜欢!
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